cda datatypes nblock voc common

Element : ST (XML Type: ST )

Package : datatypes

XML Type : ST

Comments : The character string data type stands for text data, primarily intended for machine processing (e.g., sorting, querying, indexing, etc.) Used for names, symbols, and formal expressions.

Parent : ED

There are no specific attributes for this element.


  • self.oclIsKindOf(AdxpDelimiter) or ( (not self.nullFlavor.oclIsUndefined()) or (self.mixed->size() > 0) )
  • ST element must be nullFlavor or must contains datas (from the schema of datatypes-base.xsd, rule-ST)

<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" mixed="true" name="ST">
            The character string data type stands for text data,
            primarily intended for machine processing (e.g.,
            sorting, querying, indexing, etc.) Used for names,
            symbols, and formal expressions.
<sch:pattern xmlns:sch="" name="validate ST">
<sch:rule abstract="true" id="rule-ST">
<sch:report test="(@nullFlavor or text()) and not(@nullFlavor and text())">
<p>Text content is only allowed in non-NULL values.</p>
<xs:restriction base="ED">
<xs:element maxOccurs="0" minOccurs="0" name="reference" type="TEL" />
<xs:element maxOccurs="0" minOccurs="0" name="thumbnail" type="ED" />
<xs:attribute fixed="TXT" name="representation" type="BinaryDataEncoding" />
<xs:attribute fixed="text/plain" name="mediaType" type="cs" />
<xs:attribute name="language" type="cs" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="compression" type="CompressionAlgorithm" use="prohibited" />
<xs:attribute name="integrityCheck" type="bin" use="prohibited" />
<xs:attribute name="integrityCheckAlgorithm" type="IntegrityCheckAlgorithm" use="prohibited" />